Alejandro Becker is a former Associate at QuiVive Global, where he worked on various impact and sustainability projects, with a special interest in asset allocation with a focus on Latin America and impact investing.
He currently works as a junior strategist in the credit and fixed income group at Raymond James in Memphis, Tennessee.
Prior to QuiVive, Alejandro interned in equity research for Actinver Casa de Bolsa SA de CV and at Becktel SA. de CV, both in Mexico City.
Alejandro is a 2020 graduate of the University of the South (Sewanee), originally there to pursue an 3/2 engineering degree. Shortly after arriving on the 13,000 acre campus, he was inspired by the beauty and nature of Sewanee’s mountain top setting and found a new passion for sustainability and the environment, leading to his Natural Resources major and a minor in Business. At Sewanee, Alejandro was an active participant in the Sewanee Jewish Association and a strong influence on the success of the nationally-ranked Sewanee tennis team — both as a player and during his time as a student assistant coach due to injury.
Alejandro is a native of Mexico City, Mexico.
Dr. Prabhjot Singh
Physician / Health Systems
Expert | Mount Sinai - Icahn School of Medicine
New York, NY